1. New mathematical models, IT and decision-making algorithms for supply chain management
P. Łebkowski, PhD, associate professor
Executed by: P. Łebkowski, T. Sawik, M. Magiera, W. Kaczmarczyk
2. Identification of dysfunctions in an organisation. Searching for good practices
L. Zbiegień-Maci±g, PhD
Executed by: L. Zbiegień-Maci±g, B. Wiernek, E. Beck-Krala, D. Lewicka
Postdoctoral research grants:
- Application of Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the development of integrated waste management strategies under conditions of uncertainty, using the Monte Carlo simulation B. Bieda, PhD
- Optimisation models and methods, and techniques of their implementation for operation planning in supply chains Waldemar Kaczmarczyk, PhD
Supervisor's research grants:
- Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization by Mixed integer Programming.
Bartosz Sawik, MSc ( Principal Investigator)
Coordinator: Professor J. T. Duda
B. Sawik, MSc
- Evaluation system in the management of energy production processes
Coordinator: Professor Marianna Księżyk
Marek Michalski, MSc
Last accessed: 2014-07-28 12:12:03 Last modified: 2011-11-24 10:23:14